Lithuanian Group Analytic Society (LGAS)
LGAS was founded in 1999 and now has 70 members (5 are honorary members – Scandinavian and Lithuanian teachers, who have brought group analysis to Lithuania).
LGAS is a full member of E.G.A.T.I.N and EFPP.
Group analysis training program
GA training program started even earlier – back in 1995. Since then the program underwent many changes, but all those years functioned without interruption and is a qualifying member of Egatin. We don’t have a training institute as a separate organization, but our program has become university life-long learning program: LGAS organizes the program together with Vilnius University‘s Department of Medicine, and our graduates get university certificate. Training is conducted in blocks (5 per year). Currently we run 3 training programs:
- psychodynamic group psychotherapy (4 years),
- group analysis (2 years),
- working with groups in organizations (3 years).
All the trainees are together in the large group, are mixed in the small groups, but have separate supervision groups and different theory seminars for each program.
Conferences and seminars are another part of LGAS activities. Each year we organize 3-days summer conference for LGAS members, students, colleagues from other psychoanalytically oriented societies and all interested professionals. Certain rhythm of these conferences has developed: two years there are Lithuanian conferences, and every third year – international. Format of our conferences is also quite stable over the years: plenary lectures, small discussion groups, large group each day; film and discussion first evening; cultural program last day – visiting same interesting places near the conference venue.
Film club
It is a very pleasant part of LGAS activities. Once a month somebody of the members in turn prepares a short presentation about a chosen film, then we watch this film together and afterwards we have a discussion. This Film club of LGAS is in Kaunas, second largest city of Lithuania; while our training program is in Vilnius, the capital, and our summer conferences are held in different places all over the country.
Board of LGAS for 2024-2026:
Eglė Paužienė – president (
Edita Tiknė – president-elect, delegate in LPtA (
Brigita Gulbinaitė-Petkevičienė – secretary (
Dovilė Genutytė – responsible for coordinating events (
Rūta Klimašauskienė – responsible for the public relations (
Jurgita Jarašienė – treasurer (
Monika Linartienė – responsible for the webpage (