Biblioteką kuruoja Danutė Gustaitytė (

Bibliotekos knygų sąrašas:

  1. Barwick N., Weegmann M. Group therapy. A group-analytic approach, 2018, Routledge
  2. Behr H., Hearst L., Group-analytic Psychotherapy: A Meeting of Minds, Whurr publ. London, Philadelphia
  3. Bion W.R., Experiences in Groups and Other Papers, 1974, Ballantine Books, New York
  4. Caine T.M., Wijesinghe O. B. A., Winter D.A., Personal Styles in Neurosis: Implications for small Group Psychotherapy and Behaviour Therapy, 1981, Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd., London
  5. Constitution for a Group Analytic Training Network in European, 1998, E.G.A.T.I.N.(European GA Training Institutions Network)
  6. E. G. A.T.I.N, Essential Training Standards in Group – Analytic Psychotherapy, 1995
  7. Foulkes S. H., Therapeutic group analysis, 1984, Maresfield reprints, London
  8. Foulkes S.H., Anthony E.J., Group Psychotherapy: The Psychoanalytical Approach, 1984, London, Maresfield reprints
  9. Foulkes S. H. (ed.), Selected papers: psychoanalysis and group analysis, 1990, London, Karnac books
  10. Foulkes S. H., Anthony E. J., Group psychotherapy. The psychoanalytic approach., 1990, Second printing. Karnac
  11. Foulkes S.H., Group Analytic Psychotherapy: Methods and Principles, Karnac Books, London
  12. Furmanov I.A., Furmanova N.V., Osnovi Grupovoj Psichoterapiji, 2004
  13. Gans J.S. Difficult topics in group psychotherapy. My Journey from Shame to Courage, 2010, Karnac
  14. Gorlow L., Hoch E.L., Telschow E.F., The Nature of Nondirective Group Psychotherapy, 1952, Bureau of Publications, Teacher College, Columbia Uni, New York
  15. Greenson R.R. The Technique and Practice of Psychoanalysis, Vol.1, New York
  16. Karbasarskovo B.D., (red.) / Карвасарского Б.Д., Psihoterapevtičeskaja enciklopedia / Психотерапевтичецкая энциклопедия, 1999, Путер. Санкт -Петербург. Москва
  17. Karterud S., Group processes in therapeutic communities, 1989, Norway
  18. Kennard D., Roberts J., Winter D.A., A Workbook of Group-Analytic Interventions, 2000, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London
  19. Kennard D., Roberts D., Winter D. Grupanaliticeskaja psichoterapija, 2002, Piter, St.Peterburg
  20. Kočiūnas Rimantas, Psichoterapinės grupės: teorija ir praktika, 1998
  21. Kočiūnas Rimantas, Psichoterapičeskije grupy: teorija i praktika/ Психотерапические групы: теория и практика, 2000, Akademičeskij projekt
  22. Konig Karl, Lindner Wulf – Volker, Psychoanalytic Group Therapy, 1994
  23. Kori Dz., Kori M. ir kt., Techniki gruppovoj psichoterapiji, 2001, Piter, St.Peterburg
  24. Kori Dzerald, Teorija i praktika grupovogo konsultirovanija, 2003
  25. Kreeger L. (ed.), The large group: dynamics and therapy, 1975, London, Karnac books
  26. Lear T. E. (ed.) , Spheres of group analysis, Ireland
  27. Lonergan E.C. Group Intervention: How to Begin and Maintain Groups in Medical and Psychiatric Settings, 1982, Jason Aronson Inc., New York
  28. Lorentzen Steinar, Long – term analytic group psychotherapy with outpatients: Evaluation of process and change, 2003, Unipub AS, Oslo
  29. Mare P. Piper R. Thompson S., Koinonia: from hate through dialogue to culture in the large group, 1991, Karnac books
  30. Matrix. Nordisk tidsskrift for psykoterapi, nr. 2, 2005
  31. Ogden Th.H., Projective identification and psychotherapeutic technique, 1992, London, Karnac books
  32. Peter Kuter, Elementi Grupovoj Terapiji, 1998
  33. Rosenfeld D., Psychoanalysis and Groups: History and Dialectics, 1988, Karnac Books, London
  34. Rosenthal L., Resolving Resistance in Group Psichotherapy, 1994, Jason Aronson Inc., New Jersey
  35. Roth B.E., Walter D., Stone N., Kibel H.D., The Difficult Patient in Group: Group Psychotherapy with Boderline and Narcissistic Disorders, 1990, International universities press, inc. Madison, Connecticut
  36. Rudestam K.E. / Рудестам К. Grupovaja psichoterapija / Групповая психотерапия, 1998, Путер. Санкт -Петербург. Москва
  37. Ruttan J. S.,Stone W.N., Psychodynamic group psychotherapy, 1993, Guilford press. Second ed.
  38. Ruttan J. S.,Stone W.N., Psychodynamicheskaja gruppovaja psychotherapia  
  39. Sandler J.,Dare Ch., Holder A., The patient and the Analyst, 1992, London, Karnac books
  40. Schlapobersky J.R., From the couch to the cycle. Group-Analytic Psychotherapy in Practice., 2016, Routledge
  41. Straipsnių rinkinys Sovremennyj gruppovoj analiz, 2003, Almaty-Daryn
  42. The Economy of the Group: The Emergence of Relational Goals in Society, Mind and Brain / 12th European Symposium in Group Analysis, 2002, Group Analytic Society, London; Instituto di Gruppo Analisi, Bologna
  43. The Group – Analytic Society (London) and The Institute of Group Analysis: Aims, Organisation and Activities, 1988
  44. Thorsen G.-R., B., Gronnestad T. and Oxnevad A. L., Family and Multifamily Work with Psychosis, A Guide for Professionals, 2006, Routledge
  45. Vitaker Doroty S., Grupa kak instrument psich.pomosci, 2000, Moskva, Klass
  46. Yalom I., The theory and practice of group psychotherapy, 1995, Fourth ed.Basic books
  47. Yalom I.D., The theory and practice of group psychotherapy, 1970, New York
  48. Irvin Jalom, Grupovaja Psichoterapija teorija i praktika, 2000

Taip pat bibliotekoje galite rasti šiuos žurnalus:

  1. Psychodrama Monographs, 1946, Beacon House, New York
  2. Group Psychotherapy: Journal of Sociopsychopathology and, 1950-1952, Beacon House, New York
  3. Group Psychotherapy: A Quarterly, 1950-1973, Beacon House, New York
  4. Group Therapy 1976: An Overview, Group Therapy 1979: An Overview, Stratton Intercontinental Medical Book Corporation
  5. Group Analysis, 1983-2005, Group-Analytic Society (London), Sage Publications, London
  6. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 1986-1994, International Universities Press, Madison/The Guilford Press, New York

Visą žurnalų sarąšą galima rasti čia.