Biblioteką kuruoja Danutė Gustaitytė (
Bibliotekos knygų sąrašas:
- Barwick N., Weegmann M. Group therapy. A group-analytic approach, 2018, Routledge
- Behr H., Hearst L., Group-analytic Psychotherapy: A Meeting of Minds, Whurr publ. London, Philadelphia
- Bion W.R., Experiences in Groups and Other Papers, 1974, Ballantine Books, New York
- Caine T.M., Wijesinghe O. B. A., Winter D.A., Personal Styles in Neurosis: Implications for small Group Psychotherapy and Behaviour Therapy, 1981, Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd., London
- Constitution for a Group Analytic Training Network in European, 1998, E.G.A.T.I.N.(European GA Training Institutions Network)
- E. G. A.T.I.N, Essential Training Standards in Group – Analytic Psychotherapy, 1995
- Foulkes S. H., Therapeutic group analysis, 1984, Maresfield reprints, London
- Foulkes S.H., Anthony E.J., Group Psychotherapy: The Psychoanalytical Approach, 1984, London, Maresfield reprints
- Foulkes S. H. (ed.), Selected papers: psychoanalysis and group analysis, 1990, London, Karnac books
- Foulkes S. H., Anthony E. J., Group psychotherapy. The psychoanalytic approach., 1990, Second printing. Karnac
- Foulkes S.H., Group Analytic Psychotherapy: Methods and Principles, Karnac Books, London
- Furmanov I.A., Furmanova N.V., Osnovi Grupovoj Psichoterapiji, 2004
- Gans J.S. Difficult topics in group psychotherapy. My Journey from Shame to Courage, 2010, Karnac
- Gorlow L., Hoch E.L., Telschow E.F., The Nature of Nondirective Group Psychotherapy, 1952, Bureau of Publications, Teacher College, Columbia Uni, New York
- Greenson R.R. The Technique and Practice of Psychoanalysis, Vol.1, New York
- Karbasarskovo B.D., (red.) / Карвасарского Б.Д., Psihoterapevtičeskaja enciklopedia / Психотерапевтичецкая энциклопедия, 1999, Путер. Санкт -Петербург. Москва
- Karterud S., Group processes in therapeutic communities, 1989, Norway
- Kennard D., Roberts J., Winter D.A., A Workbook of Group-Analytic Interventions, 2000, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London
- Kennard D., Roberts D., Winter D. Grupanaliticeskaja psichoterapija, 2002, Piter, St.Peterburg
- Kočiūnas Rimantas, Psichoterapinės grupės: teorija ir praktika, 1998
- Kočiūnas Rimantas, Psichoterapičeskije grupy: teorija i praktika/ Психотерапические групы: теория и практика, 2000, Akademičeskij projekt
- Konig Karl, Lindner Wulf – Volker, Psychoanalytic Group Therapy, 1994
- Kori Dz., Kori M. ir kt., Techniki gruppovoj psichoterapiji, 2001, Piter, St.Peterburg
- Kori Dzerald, Teorija i praktika grupovogo konsultirovanija, 2003
- Kreeger L. (ed.), The large group: dynamics and therapy, 1975, London, Karnac books
- Lear T. E. (ed.) , Spheres of group analysis, Ireland
- Lonergan E.C. Group Intervention: How to Begin and Maintain Groups in Medical and Psychiatric Settings, 1982, Jason Aronson Inc., New York
- Lorentzen Steinar, Long – term analytic group psychotherapy with outpatients: Evaluation of process and change, 2003, Unipub AS, Oslo
- Mare P. Piper R. Thompson S., Koinonia: from hate through dialogue to culture in the large group, 1991, Karnac books
- Matrix. Nordisk tidsskrift for psykoterapi, nr. 2, 2005
- Ogden Th.H., Projective identification and psychotherapeutic technique, 1992, London, Karnac books
- Peter Kuter, Elementi Grupovoj Terapiji, 1998
- Rosenfeld D., Psychoanalysis and Groups: History and Dialectics, 1988, Karnac Books, London
- Rosenthal L., Resolving Resistance in Group Psichotherapy, 1994, Jason Aronson Inc., New Jersey
- Roth B.E., Walter D., Stone N., Kibel H.D., The Difficult Patient in Group: Group Psychotherapy with Boderline and Narcissistic Disorders, 1990, International universities press, inc. Madison, Connecticut
- Rudestam K.E. / Рудестам К. Grupovaja psichoterapija / Групповая психотерапия, 1998, Путер. Санкт -Петербург. Москва
- Ruttan J. S.,Stone W.N., Psychodynamic group psychotherapy, 1993, Guilford press. Second ed.
- Ruttan J. S.,Stone W.N., Psychodynamicheskaja gruppovaja psychotherapia
- Sandler J.,Dare Ch., Holder A., The patient and the Analyst, 1992, London, Karnac books
- Schlapobersky J.R., From the couch to the cycle. Group-Analytic Psychotherapy in Practice., 2016, Routledge
- Straipsnių rinkinys Sovremennyj gruppovoj analiz, 2003, Almaty-Daryn
- The Economy of the Group: The Emergence of Relational Goals in Society, Mind and Brain / 12th European Symposium in Group Analysis, 2002, Group Analytic Society, London; Instituto di Gruppo Analisi, Bologna
- The Group – Analytic Society (London) and The Institute of Group Analysis: Aims, Organisation and Activities, 1988
- Thorsen G.-R., B., Gronnestad T. and Oxnevad A. L., Family and Multifamily Work with Psychosis, A Guide for Professionals, 2006, Routledge
- Vitaker Doroty S., Grupa kak instrument psich.pomosci, 2000, Moskva, Klass
- Yalom I., The theory and practice of group psychotherapy, 1995, Fourth ed.Basic books
- Yalom I.D., The theory and practice of group psychotherapy, 1970, New York
- Irvin Jalom, Grupovaja Psichoterapija teorija i praktika, 2000
Taip pat bibliotekoje galite rasti šiuos žurnalus:
- Psychodrama Monographs, 1946, Beacon House, New York
- Group Psychotherapy: Journal of Sociopsychopathology and, 1950-1952, Beacon House, New York
- Group Psychotherapy: A Quarterly, 1950-1973, Beacon House, New York
- Group Therapy 1976: An Overview, Group Therapy 1979: An Overview, Stratton Intercontinental Medical Book Corporation
- Group Analysis, 1983-2005, Group-Analytic Society (London), Sage Publications, London
- International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 1986-1994, International Universities Press, Madison/The Guilford Press, New York
Visą žurnalų sarąšą galima rasti čia.